For 15 years now, I have been working intensively with homeopathy, and it is the central pillar of therapy in my practice. Where necessary, the treatment is supplemented by various other methods.
The focus of the homeopathic treatment is the human being as a whole. Therefore, I take the time to “understand” my patient during an often 2-hour long appointment to classify your complaints correctly.
The first consultation follows a fixed sequence of different elements. An essential component is a spontaneous report, in which the patient can explain his complaints freely at the beginning of the initial consultation.
The individual perception of the symptoms and the exact description of them have a special meaning: what triggers them, what alleviates them, what aggravates them. The information obtained, and the additional, guided report provides an overall picture. My task is then to select one of over 5,000 individual homeopathic remedies that are most like the patient. This homeopathic remedy stimulates the patient’s self-healing powers and enables him to overcome the symptoms.
The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Christian Hahnemann, summed it up over 200 years ago:
“The doctor’s highest and only profession is to make sick people healthy, which is called healing.”
If the healing of many illnesses is not always possible, an evident alleviation of symptoms can often be achieved.
What does homeopathy mean?
The term homeopathy comes from Greek and means “similar suffering.” According to homeopathic teaching, a disease can only be cured by a remedy which causes exactly those symptoms or complaints in a healthy person which it is trying to heal in patients. This principle of similarity (similar heals similar things – Similia similibus curentur) is one of the basic principles of homeopathy. It was formulated by the German physician and chemist Samuel Christian Hahnemann in 1796.
Homeopathic Medicines
Homeopathic remedies are usually prescribed in the form of so-called globules (small beads) or taken in drop form. It should be noted that every classical homeopathic remedy always contains only one active ingredient. Homeopathic remedies are available in a variety of potencies, the higher the potency, the lower the concentration of the active substance and the higher its efficacy. Decisive for the success of the treatment, however, is always the selection of the appropriate remedy, only secondarily the chosen potency.
For which conditions or illnesses is homeopathic treatment indicated? Very soon after its discovery, homeopathy was able to show astonishing medical successes, which made it widely accepted by the population. The advantages of the homeopathic treatment lie in the treatment of both chronic and acute clinical pictures. Homeopathy has proven to be particularly useful in the treatment of allergies, menstrual cramps, the unfulfilled desire for children, skin diseases, behavioral disorders, general susceptibility to infections and problems of psychosomatic origin. However, homeopathy has also made a name for itself as an accompanying therapy for cancer patients. Thus, homeopathic remedies can significantly alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Answers to your most important questions
Homeopathy is an independent form of therapy that focuses on the human being and acts according to the basic principle of “May similar things heal similar things.” This healing principle of homeopathy was formulated at the end of the 18th century by the German physician and pharmacist Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy works with many individual remedies, each of which causes particular symptoms in a healthy person, whereby the substance in question is suitable as a remedy for the symptoms that occur. In homeopathy, appropriate solutions are used in the smallest possible dosage and a potentiated form based on the symptoms and the individual constitution of the person.
Homeopathy is used to treat a wide range of acute and chronic conditions, including injuries, and psychological problems. According to homeopathic teaching, a disease is an imbalance in the human body and a disturbance of the life force that encompasses the human being. Accordingly, pain, fever, and other symptoms are external signs and the way of the organism to draw attention to a disorder or disbalance. A person is considered healthy when body, mind, and soul are in balance and harmoniously connected. The aim of any homeopathic treatment is therefore to restore this balance.
On the scientific stage, homeopathy as a therapy concept is still controversially discussed today. There are many scientific studies, some of which deny the effect of homeopathic remedies.
While other publications demonstrate its effectiveness, however, their scientific value is usually criticized with the argument that the general guidelines and standards of clinical trials have not been observed. While scientists continue to argue patients clearly show what they think of this controversy. More and more people are resorting to homeopathic remedies for various complaints. Even the statutory health insurances take this steadily increasing desire for homeopathic treatment into account by partially covering the costs.
Starting materials for homeopathic medicinal products are substances of plant, mineral or animal origin. While the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, knew about 99 substances, there are now more than 5,000 basic homeopathic substances from all over the world. Contents from the plant world are for example Arnica, Thuja, Daisy, Monkshood. Elements of mineral origin include Bromine, Iodine, Phosphorus or Sulfur, while substances of animal origin include snake and insect poisons. The basic substances are mixed into mother tinctures according to strict regulations, and then gradually diluted with alcohol and water, and shaken.
Every homeopathic remedy is available in different potencies. The reason for this is that the various basic substances in their pure form trigger too strong reactions so they are diluted. Potentiation is a particular dilution method in which the respective potency describes the degree of dilution of a drug.
Homeopathic medicines are available, for example, in powers of hundreds
(C) and powers of tens (D). Thus, the potency C200 means that the primary substance is diluted two hundred times by a factor of one hundred, while the potency D30 is diluted thirty times by a factor of ten.
According to homeopathic theory, potentiation assumes that the higher the potency and thus the dilution, the deeper and longer the healing reaction of the remedy. So, the higher the potency, the stronger the remedy.
In the case of complaints that have existed for a long time and chronic illnesses, the healing process is slower than in the case of acute and severe symptoms. The mode of action always runs from the inside out and from the important to the less critical organs. The same applies to the direction from top to bottom. This means that joint pain improves from top to bottom, first in the neck area, then in the hip region and then in the knee area. The healing process also takes place in reverse chronological order. Thus, the symptoms that occurred last disappear first, while older symptoms require more time to alleviate. The homeopathic preparations are administered as globules, tablets or drops, whereby the preparations are not simply swallowed but should dissolve in the mouth to unfold their full effect through the oral mucosa.
Many patients who go into homeopathic treatment are already pre-treated. Abrupt discontinuation of conventional medication would be fatal.
What to do in your case, is decided together with you and in consultation with your specialist.
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