Heavy metals may harm your body
Heavy metals that must be disposed of in hazardous waste do not belong in the body. Heavy metals find their way into our bodies through various sources and can accumulate in high concentrations in some people, leading to health problems. The detoxification capacity of the respective body is also decisive, i.e., how well liver, kidney, etc. can sluice toxic metals out of the body. I do not merely blindly do chelation therapy but test beforehand whether your kidney and/or liver would be able to cope with the chelation or whether mobilization of heavy metals would put too much strain on the organs at present. If the results of the test speak for the latter, the aim is first support the detoxification organs, orthomolecular food supplements and homeopathic preparations are used in this case. The subject of metal chelation therapy gained media attention from the Gadolinium poisoning of Gena O’Kelley, better known as the wife of Chuck Norris. Gadolinium is a rare earth element and is contained in the commercially available contrast agent used for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Gena O’Kellexy was injected several times with Gadolinium for three MRI examinations within a short time. She suffered from breathing problems, muscle weakness, and unbearable pain: “It was as if my body was burning internally as if I had acid in me everywhere.“ Gadolinium can be mobilized and discharged with the help of the chelator Zn- DTPA, this is measurable and traceable in the urine. Various studies on Gadolinium toxicity have been published. There is a suitable chelator for almost every metal. The chelator can be imagined as a chemical compound that binds the metal molecule with a high affinity. This complex of chelator and metal is then excreted through the urine or stool. In addition to Zn-DTPA, the chelators DMPS, DMSA, EDTA are used depending on the problem. In the event of mercury poisoning I primarily use DMPS as a short infusion.
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